Remember, we are

are now offering payment at $ 1.00 a page for material in Tvia or separate stories that are more than 10 pages long and which is not a case history, letter to the Editor or a Cover Girl story.

It is not alot but, it is something. With more mat- erial submitted it means there, is more to select from and the quality of the whole operation goes up. Part- icularly is this the case with the Femme Mirror. Mary- ann will do her best to organize and make an interes- ting paper for you, but since it is composed almost en- tirely of ideas, gossip, helps, suggestions, and comments from your letters it requires your participation.

Many of you don't subscribe to the Mirror. This is frankly a plug for you to do so. It is only worth the effort if enough people show an interest. Since this is the only publication that has existed that aims to provide a form and discussion place for Tv's on their favorite subject, it ought to be of interest to practic- ally every reader of Tvia. In it you can participate on a personal level and talk to and about others even tho' you live in an isolated locality or "locked room." Try it. $ 1.00 per issue, $10.00 per year, published monthly about the 15th.